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Monday, April 20, 2009

Pondzilla-The Monster of Muck


Today, we felt it was about time to let you know about the "Monster of Muck"-Pondzilla. Pondzilla is one of the many products that we supply here at Team Aquafix.

What is Pondzilla?
PondZilla is an catalyst which helps to polish a lake or pond. Pondzilla works by reacting with dead plant matter in a water body and converting it to simple sugars. These sugars are then uptaken by bacteria.

What does it do?
This process helps to polish a lake, clean the water column and degrade muck. PondZilla can be applied with herbicides.

Take a look at our brochure for Pondzilla and let us know if you think. If you'd like to discuss its capabilities or place an order, call Kevin Ripp "The Bugman" at 1-888-757-9577 or just visit our website http://teamaquafix.com

Pondzilla Flyer- Team Aquafix, Inc. Pondzilla Flyer- Team Aquafix, Inc. Kevin Ripp, "The Bug Man" Here at AQUAFIX, Inc http://teamaquafix.com we have all sorts of innovative solutions for your wastewater problems, but we also know how to handle issues with your pond and lake as well. Check out Pondzilla! Check us out on the web at http://teamaquafix.com

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